Is your website loading a little slow?

Have you checked your image file sizes?

Would you like to learn how to fix them using free tools?

Not very techy? NO PROBLEM! I walk you through it all, step by step.

Image Optimization

This is a previously recorded training.

One of the biggest issues I see with my clients is image file size. This is not to be confused with image dimensions, these are two completely different things.

Unoptimized images slow down your website. Slow website equals a bad user experience and lowers your chances to rank in Google.

Changing your image size and optimizing them for your website can help in a few areas:

  • Speed – according to a research done by Google, if a web page loads in more than 5 seconds, the probability that a mobile user will leave that page increases by 90%.
  • User experience – good quality, impactful images helps visitors have a more engaging experience while they browse your website.
  • SEO – site speed is a ranking factor. The faster is your site, the better you can potentially rank.
  • Sales – faster loading times and better SEO can help bring more users to your site, which increases your chances of making a sale.

Just what I need.

I have learned so much being enrolled in Angela’s program. Her knowledge of tech is extensive and she takes time to explain each step so I can understand and use it. I can ask her anything from simple to complex and she will patiently help me through the process.

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Thank you, Angela!

During the first session of Angela Hall’s virtual Business Technology Training I attended, I learned so much that I could implement immediately. Angela patiently answered a range of questions; in just one hour, she carefully walked us through the steps to solve our problems. She has filled the member library with great videos and resources, in addition to the session replays. I’m looking forward to the next Helpful session.

Thank you, Angela for all you have done for me and all you have done for others!

If you want the privilege of working with an honest, hardworking, efficient, effective, supportive, and knowledgeable person, then you must work with Angela Hall. I have to admit I was hesitant to sign up for her Technology Course. You see, technology is not my strong suit. Suffice it to say, I love using my yellow tablets as a main source for taking notes and doing business. I considered myself old-fashioned, in that way and up until now, I have used my age as a barrier to learning all this new-fangled technology stuff (TV wasn’t even invented when I was born—that’s how old I am!).

But I have to say that Angela has the gift and ability to take the complex and make it simple—simple enough so that even I understand! As an educator, I recognize that this kind of teaching is truly a gift. Often when someone learns something new and becomes a pro at it, they forget what it is like to be a ‘beginner.” That’s the gift that Angela has—the ability to explain something in a way that is easy to digest and use. In the past, I have stressed so much about learning something new about technology, that I’d steer away from it.

There are 3 main benefits I received from working with Angela and when I think about it, it makes me smile. First of all, I have almost learned to like technology (I hate to admit it—I did say almost learned to like technology—lol) so my mindset about technology has really changed. I know when I work with Angela that I can freely ask questions and not be judged, especially if I am not quite “getting it.” Second, I have learned about so many tools and resources from Angela’s Technology Classes that I feel excited about implementing what I’ve learned. Last, but not least, my confidence level for learning something new about technology has skyrocketed (relatively speaking—lol), so that I am at least able to tell myself, ” I can do this.”